Get Your Free eCourse: Vegetarian Essentials


Friday, November 27, 2009

Business Partnership Opportunity - minimal investment, keep most of the profits you make -

Thursday, October 8, 2009

FREE 88 Minute Webinar by Stephen Pierce Reveals “How To Go From Making A Living To Making A Fortune!”. Instant access -
FREE 88 Minute Webinar by Stephen Pierce Reveals “How To Go From Making A Living To Making A Fortune!”. Instant access -

Monday, August 24, 2009

Low Carb Diet Sample - Day 2

Day 2 had another early start. I woke up at 2am, and didn't really think I'd be able to get back to sleep. So, I ate breakfast at 2am! However, I did go back to sleep at 3:30am and slept through to 7:30am. So, yes I had a second breakfast at 7:30am. Then in the afternoon I had my parents over for a bit of a "working bee" around my house. I had purchased a Malibu Pilates chair and a chin up bar for my doorway that needed to be put together, plus a lot of work to be done in the garden. So it was a busy afternoon, but I managed to share some of my almond peanut butter slice with my family. They loved it and took some home with them. So, although my little cooking experiment was a was a failure, it was still a success in a way,

Anyway, here's how the day's eating went:

2am - 2 egg omelette with sliced mushrooms & a small bowl of wheat bran
7:30am - Protein pancake & Almonds
1pm - Egg white omelette with mediterranean vegetables & mushroom soup
3pm - 1.5 pieces of almond peeanut butter slice
5pm - Almonds
7pm - Vegetarian meatloaf with steamed vegetables
9pm - Protein shake

Not a whole lot more than 1600 cals for the day, so a moderate success, especially given the extra breakfast!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Low Carb Diet Sample - Day 1

Day 1 had an unfortunately early start. I woke up at 3am and was unable to get back to sleep. So, breakfast was had quite early, which meant all my other meals were eaten at different times than planned and extra meals were added. The end result was around 1600 cals, which was actually pretty good considering I was awake from 3 am to 10pm.

The day's eating went like this:
3am - Bran Protein Pancake (strawberry flavour)
6am - Protein shake, again strawberry flavour, it's the only kind I have in my house at the moment!
8:30am - 2-egg omelette with mediterranean vegetables (recipe for the mediterranean filling will be included as a bonus for people who purchase my Low Carb Vegetarian Living course)
1:30pm - Zucchini egg white omelette with steamed veggies and a protein shake (this was a post-workout meal, I had a good trip to the gym!)
3pm - Almond and peanut butter slice, 2 pieces that I ate whilst cutting it up!
8pm - Mushroom soup and Avocado Salad

I have to mention about this almond peanut butter slice that I made. I did it in the early hours, since I could not sleep. I ground up some almonds and walnuts in my food processor, then added nealy half a jar of peanut butter, a couple of teaspoons of cocoa and some stevia sweetner. I was intending to make them into balls and roll them in coconut, but when I tried to roll them, they just crumbled! So I pressed the mixture into a tin and refrigerated it. By mid afternoon, I took it out to cut it into slices... yes, you guessed it... crumbles!! Most slices stayed whole, but a few crumbled, so those of course got eaten straigt away. It was so filling though, I was still not hungry at dinner time, I just ate dinner because I thought I should!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Low Carb Diet Sample - A Week in My Life

I have decided to record a week in my life.

So far in my Low Carb Veggie Living course, I have recorded audio lessons talking about the three "building blocks" of the low carb vegetarian diet. The building blocks are Carbs (mostly non-starchy veggies), Protein (egg whites, TVP, tofu etc) and Fats & Oils (nuts, seeds, avocado, etc). Each lesson has a worksheet with activities and references as well.

Following on from these three lessons is a further lesson on how to Put it All Together. And I thought, what better way to explain it than to actually DO it and give a really great demonstration!

My Putting it All Together lesson comes with three bonuses. First is a Daily Assessment Sheet, where you get to see which building blocks each meal you ate was made up of. Second is a Low Carb Vegetarian Food Pyramid, that you can use as a guide to what quantities of each food to eat. And third is a Weekly Planning Sheet that you will fill out at the start of each week, and use it to plan your shopping trips.

So, yesterday I completed my Weekly Planning Sheet and took a big trip to the shops last night. And, you guessed it, today is Day 1 of my demonstration here.

I'll post here every day, and I will also upload a video each day into my YouTube account
So, make sure you go there and SUBSCRIBE, if you haven't done so already!

Catch up later tonight for today's "wash up".

Monday, August 3, 2009

Bikini Bootcamp: My new workout adventure

I've been stuck in a rut with my workout for a very long time now, well over 9 months. Finally yesterday I was inspired to try something different! I came across Jennifer Nicole Lee's Fitness Model Program. It caught my attention because, unlike the other programs I had done in the past, this one was written by a woman! I'm pretty strong and fit, so no problems doing a guy's workout, but it's so nice to hear things from a woman's perspective.

I've not finished reading all the material, but I'm starting the workouts today regardless. I've made up my own little version of JNL's Binini BootCamp Workout. It will go a little something like this....
* 10 body parts
* 1 excercise per body part
* 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps per excercise (that's 30 sets all up for those playing at home)
* 45 to 60 seconds of jumping rope in between sets

And that's it.

JNL recommends a speed skipping rope, which is a very light weight rope that allows you to skip at a very fast rate. I have a slight difficulty with this... in the name of a low-hanging ceiling fan right in the middle of my workout room. It could end badly!!

So, instead, I have my trusty "Jump Snap" - a ropeless jump rope. I find it's the perfect soution to excercising in small spaces. It's been a really useful investment.

Ok, so enough talking, time to start doing. Wish me luck!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cauliflower Rice Recipe

Here's my latest creation! I used the grater attachment on my food processor and finely processed nearly a whole head of cauliflower... so it looks like rice. To cook it, I fried some minced ginger in some oil, then added the cauliflower along with some grated carrot, finely chopped spinach and cooked egg. It was all cooked inside of 5 minutes. To finish I stirred though some soy sauce. The final product was delicious, and I made it last for three days! It worked out at about 8g carbs per serve.

I highly recommend you try this. And experiment with your own ingredients and flavors - the possibilities are endless.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Vegetarian Essentials

Great news!

You can now sign up for my 5-part e-course via this blog. Just enter your name and email address in the box above and you will receive 5 brief and informative emails all about living a vegetarian lifestyle.

I'm also in the process of developing my own website - Low Carb Vegetarian Living which will contain an incredible amount of information about how to eat low carb AND vegetarian! The best bit is going to be the video recipes, so stay tuned for that!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Designing my own low carb vegetarian food pyramid. Is going to be a great addition to my website!