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Monday, August 24, 2009

Low Carb Diet Sample - Day 2

Day 2 had another early start. I woke up at 2am, and didn't really think I'd be able to get back to sleep. So, I ate breakfast at 2am! However, I did go back to sleep at 3:30am and slept through to 7:30am. So, yes I had a second breakfast at 7:30am. Then in the afternoon I had my parents over for a bit of a "working bee" around my house. I had purchased a Malibu Pilates chair and a chin up bar for my doorway that needed to be put together, plus a lot of work to be done in the garden. So it was a busy afternoon, but I managed to share some of my almond peanut butter slice with my family. They loved it and took some home with them. So, although my little cooking experiment was a was a failure, it was still a success in a way,

Anyway, here's how the day's eating went:

2am - 2 egg omelette with sliced mushrooms & a small bowl of wheat bran
7:30am - Protein pancake & Almonds
1pm - Egg white omelette with mediterranean vegetables & mushroom soup
3pm - 1.5 pieces of almond peeanut butter slice
5pm - Almonds
7pm - Vegetarian meatloaf with steamed vegetables
9pm - Protein shake

Not a whole lot more than 1600 cals for the day, so a moderate success, especially given the extra breakfast!

1 comment:

demotutorial said...

Thanks for this sample! I have been looking for diets like this! I surely don't want to waste the money I spent for a tummy tuck by gaining all the weight back!