Get Your Free eCourse: Vegetarian Essentials


Friday, March 14, 2008



Welcome to the Vegetarian Success blog site. Thank you for visiting, it's great to have you here.

My name's Sarah Cox, I'm from Melbourne, Australia.

I've created this site to provide a forum for us to discuss some common issues that we all face as vegetarians and vegans. We'll be talking about and smashing though some common myths and misconceptions that we have all encountered from our friends, family, workmates, etc... like, "it takes too long to prepare vegetarian meals", "you must be lacking in iron", "how do you get your protein", "don't you lack energy"... you know those kinds of comments!

Here, we can vent our frustrations, share our ideas and come together for support, advice and encouragement.

I have found some exceptional sources of meat-free protein that I can't wait to share with you! Plus I'm full of hints and tips for making super-fast vegetarian meals and snacks with just a few simple ingredients. I also enjoy baking really high-protein muffins, slices and pancakes! I look forward to sharing all this with you, and in return, hearing what you all get up to in your cooking adventures!!

Together, we will succeed in perfecting our diets, perfecting our health... and inspiring those around us to do the same!!

Please feel free to leave your comments, and stay tuned for regular updates :-)


Kate said...

hi sarah

how wonderful to have a blog which is very informative about vegan and vegetarian healthy lifestyles :) i lived with a vegan for 5 weeks when i was trekking across africa and i was fascinated by it all. there is definately a stigma surrounding people who are vegan or vegetarian i.e. they must be hippies or lacking in certain minerals and vitamins etc. but the more you learn about it the more you realise just how beneficial their diets are.

love ya

demotutorial said...

Thanks for this blog. I have been following a strict vegetarian diet after my tummy tuck, and wanting to learn more about it led me to this blog!